
Monday 17 June 2024

'Grounded' by Melissa Flores Anderson


Maddie was grounded. Everyone said so. People described her as reliable. Steady. Salt of the earth. Predictable. Calm. She never did anything to cause anyone concern. While her friends flitted in and out of relationships, dropped out of college, quit jobs on a whim, she got engaged to the first man she dated and took a job right out of school that had good health insurance.


She walked into the coffeeshop for her regular order. Americano with cream and two sugars. The regular barista was gone and in her place a man who might have been a decade younger. “What can I get you?” he asked, and Maddie felt a lightness in her lungs. She spurted out her order. “Name?” the man asked, his brown eyes golden in the early rays of sun that filtered through the window. “Madison,” she said. She collected her cup at the other end of the shop, her name written in blue ink with a heart dotting the 'i'. She glanced back at the barista, who grinned and offered a wink.


Ethan wouldn’t admit it, but he went after Madison because she’d ordered the most basic drink on the menu and he wanted the challenge of pushing her boundaries. She surprised him that first time they fooled around in his car in the parking lot of a Chili’s, his lips still burning from the jalapeno margarita he’d had at dinner.


They got carried away, or cocky, or both. Maddie’s fiancĂ© caught them at the Y swimming pool, her in the first bikini she’d ever owned, Ethan in a pair of board shorts that showed off his six-pack abs. Maddie’s fiancĂ© stood quiet in his workout gear, wondering why Maddie had never worn a two piece with him.

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