
Sunday 16 June 2024

'Murder' by Jennifer Mungham

Why was the victim alone in the library Amy wondered as she paced around the body of the young man? Why was the murder weapon left beside him, she stooped down to inspect the knife dripping scarlet into the white fur carpet. It was a regular kitchen knife, why wouldn’t the killer have cleaned if off and returned it? Unless, it wasn’t from the Manor’s kitchen, but then why bring your own knife? The multiple why questions chased themselves around Amy’s mind, distracting her so much she nearly stepped in the blood pooling from the victim’s stabbed back. Why kill this guest, must be personal, she sat down in the hopes of rounding up her thoughts. The biggest question of all was why did she think she was the most suitable to investigate this when she was only the secretary. The large clock on the mantle piece ticked away precious seconds, its noise imitating the doubts running through Amy’s mind: why, why, why.

Getting nothing else from the body, Amy returned to the main room to observe the other guests, each asking their own series of why questions. The usual suspects for a Manor Party were present, why mess with a formula that works. The vicar was quietly praying in the corner, the highly strung actress/singer was commanding attention as she lamented why me to her audience. The butler moved around the room, asking if anyone needed assistance or a fresh drink, why did he look so furtive, Amy followed him for a lap of the room before writing his name down on her answer card.

Why, wondered the body on the carpet desperately trying not to scratch an itchy nose, was he always the corpse at these events and how much longer were they going to be?

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