
Monday 17 June 2024

'Night Blindness' by Sumitra Singam

‘He’s an unspeakable canker, chchi! She was just a wee bairn, isn’t it?’ Amma went to university in Scotland and she likes to show off. They are talking of Mr. Arumugam who has been put in jail for being “unnatural with his daughter”. ‘Now if it was up to me,’ Amma says, as the heat rises up my body, as I feel myself melt into the floor, disappear, ‘I would whack him with my chappal until all his wounds became infected and septic.’ Appa makes a noise, which I hear from far away, like I do most nights.

With thanks to 'We Blame The Blackthorn, Follow The Wolves' by Kate Axeford 


  1. So much culture and secrets in the one micro! Go, kawan!

  2. Love it, Sumitra! Thank you for choosing my world and turning them into a brilliant micro.
