
Monday 17 June 2024

'Pigs in Blankets' by Lisa Williams

Ebenezer waited by the reduced section in Morrisons like an animal hunting his prey. He knew the pigs in blankets would go down another 30p it was a question of biding your time. It was busy: Christmas Eve.

The ghost of Christmas Past joined him. He showed Ebenezer wearing the same suit but slightly
newer looking, in the same supermarket (then called Safeway) again by the reduced section.

The pigs in blankets were taken by someone else before they could be reduced again. Ebenezer
didn’t mind. Some battles you won. Others you didn’t. He bought some humbugs instead.

In the queue, which snaked down an aisle, Ebenezer was joined by the ghost of Christmas Future. He showed Ebenezer in a very threadbare suit once again by the Reduced Section in the same supermarket (Still called Morrisons but now owned by Tesco). Before the apparition disappeared, he confided that today was the last day that Ebenezer could do something about his future and pointed out there was a fiver on the floor.

Ebenezer swiftly pocketed the cash, a new one with the King’s head on it, and remembering the
ghost’s words decided to buy a scratch card: it was titled Pigs in Blankets and cost £5! The shock of that nearly ended his life there. Once home he set to scratching the silver foil from the numbers. He checked twice. He’d won! The ghost was right: life was about to change. He checked the amount and swallowed his humbug whole. One million pounds!

That pesky humbug though had stuck tight and as much as he coughed it wouldn’t be dislodged. His body was found late in January when a couple came collecting money for charity and noticed the awful smell and all the flies on the windows.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens