
Tuesday 18 June 2024

'Ruby Cabernet' by Laura Cooney

The thing was, she really didn’t see it coming.
She should probably have seen it coming, if this had been a movie, we’d all have seen it coming, there would’ve been a music change, the camera would’ve panned out and we’d have felt it. 

But, as always, she had her nose in her phone and was totally absorbed. So she really didn’t see it coming.

How many social sites are there anyway? Most people can sustain two. She had six, all six of the main sites and she was never off them. Sometimes she’d be talking to the same people on two of them simultaneously, it was that bad. 

It was the fourth day of the holiday and the photos she took made it look like it was her ideal, but, if she was being honest, she wasn’t really enjoying it. Her husband Craig was avidly listening to this dude talking about Cabernet grapes and how hardy and blendable they were… boring and pointless. It was pissing her off, though it was an Insta post waiting to happen!

Last night Craig bored her to death in the vineyard restaurant, acting like he had a clue about the wine. It was wet, it was red, that was all that mattered.

The server had clearly noticed her, she’d liked that. Exciting! She wondered if it would lead anywhere. Tonight perhaps?

What she hadn’t noticed, on account of the phone, was that he had followed them there. He liked the way she brushed the hair from the nape of her neck, he’d chosen her. She’d like that.
So that was how it came to pass, in the vineyard, while she posted photos of herself drinking deep ruby cabernet, he, shockingly brazen, covered her mouth and pulled her back into the vines. Looking down at the blood, from her freshly exposed belly, he smiled. It was wet, it was red, that was all that mattered. 

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