
Tuesday 18 June 2024

'Standardized Psychological Post-Quarrantine Survey Sb-53' by Chris Albin

Welcome back to work!

Before you can assume your new duties, we would appreciate it if you could fill out this short survey. Make sure to read through each question carefully and answer truthfully!

1. What is your name and clearance level?

2. What do you remember most about working from home?
a. Anxiety.
b. Deep isolation.
c. Gazing into the bathroom mirror.

3. Did your supervisor inform you of why you were being quarantined?

4. Do you trust your supervisor?

5. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror or the computer monitor. Next do the same with your corporate ID. Which is the real you?  
a. The reflection.
b. The photo. 
c. The glass.

6. Do you currently identify as a human being?

7. What were your duties in the former Subbasement 53?

8. Which of the following adjectives best describes what used to be Subbasement 53? 
a. Shiny
b. Distant.
c. Endless.
d. Writhing.

9. Where are you?

10. It is the middle of the night. You are standing in front of your bathroom mirror. You don’t remember how you got here. You are trying to move but you can’t. Why?

11. Who truly left that room?

12. What did you see at the other end of the bathroom mirror in Subbasement 53? 
a. Mirrors. Nothing but mirrors.
b. Something shimmering in  the corner of my eye.
c. Faces reflected within faces.
d. A stranger reaching out a hand. No, not a stranger…

13. Come home.

14. You are still standing in front of your bathroom mirror, the empty mirror. Where are you? The frame is vast and hungry. Who truly left that room? It stretches out to swallow you. Come home.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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