
Monday 17 June 2024

'The doctor will see you now' by By Roshni Beeharry

The doctor asks me if I’ve ever smoked. Do I:

     a)  Tell her about the not really inhaling efforts with menthol cigarettes that I made in my teens,
          when I was hanging around with “ a crowd” who smoked “other things too”, and 
          hurriedly and fervently tell the doctor that I only stuck to the menthols, as if that absolves 

     b)  Admit that I’ve admittedly puffed on the odd one or two in the last five years or so, but a
          packet could last a month to two months, and I only do it when I am relaxed and by
          myself, then smile sweetly and say “maybe it’s a late teenage rebellion?”

     c)  Say “no never,” as the doctor flicks her doubtful gaze over me, then types something
          much longer than “never smoked,” into my records? (She knows, doctors ALWAYS

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