
Tuesday 18 June 2024

'The Way Around Him' by Melissa Flores Anderson

  • Mute the notifications on your phone
  • Actually, mute him so you don’t have to see what he’s liking or not liking (he’s not liking you anymore)
  • Delete the playlist he made for you
  • Delete the playlist you made for him
  • Turn the radio up and listen to angry girl music
  • Turn left instead of right out of the driveway, to avoid the park where you sat in your car when he called you for the first time
  • Turn left again, to avoid that parking lot where you first met in person.
  • Turn left again, to avoid the street where he told you he couldn’t do this anymore, that it wasn’t in his nature
  • Turn left again, to be back in the place you started
  • Turn right out of your driveway, drive by the park, the parking lot, the street
  • Get on 101 South for 20 miles
  • Take 156 east for 5 miles, slowing to 50 miles an hour behind a tractor
  • Take 1 South for 10 miles
  • Exit Reservation Road and drive around the road barricade to park in the lot that overlooks the Marina Dunes
  • Stare at the ocean for 20 minutes
  • Remember, it is vast and wild, and unpredictable, like love
  • Get back in your car and drive up the road five more minutes, where there is someone new who laughs with you every day

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