
Sunday 16 June 2024

'Why Bother' by Nick Fogg

“Why bother?”
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t be bothered, that’s why.”
“Why d’you say that? Why can’t you be bothered?”
“Because I don’t see why I should bother when no one else does.”
“And why don’t they?”
“How should I know why they don’t.”
“Maybe they’re wondering why you don’t.”
“Why I don’t is none of their business…”
“And you don’t care why they don’t.”
“…Why I should have to explain myself?”
“You can’t be bothered because you think no one else is, but if they’re not bothered because they think you’re not bothered, why oh why can’t you see that talking about things might help?”
“But why should I make the first move?”
“Why should anyone? Why don’t we just let everything fall apart? I mean, why bother?”

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