
Monday 17 June 2024

'Wild and Windy' by Donna Swabey

"Cathy! You absolute arsehole. Get away from the window, it's freezing!"

"I was just doing a wee bit of haunting, I didn't mean any harm!"

Cathy had a terrible habit of hanging around the windows, trying to spook the Airbnb guests, but it appeared that she had become highly visible and really not very frightening at all. She'd often be spotted shouting for Heathcliff, hair all dishevelled, at the cottage windows, and had figured out how to open them despite the new modern fixings that were very much Not Of Her Time. 

The modern people who visited the cottage had cottoned onto her antics and loved to shout abuse at her as she rattled the windows. They also had a tendency to screech "Heathcliff! It's meeee, Catheeee" at every opportunity as it would appear that her story had become legend, and songs had been written about her doomed, gothic love story. 

She could see them from her window, women and girls in red dresses, out on her beloved moors, moving like they were possessed, cavorting and screeching.

It made Cathy feel a bit like a god. 

If only Heathcliff could see her now.

Source: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. 

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