
Monday 17 June 2024

'Yes, we are famed, & you know us as a pantomime of stepsisters' by Kay Medway


Seeing us as the perfect storybook pair, you have all had time by now to uncover and agree that we are often the best-placed champions for all others' convenience & encouragement. 

We are all ceremonious, and overly polite here in our ways, with the same politeness in our society spheres extended for upholding the bringing out of our kind Cinderella's best. 

You rightly describe us as witty and quick, perfect when tasked with helping others find a voice when confidence is low.  

Here, I see you are overwhelmed, so sister, now and onwards, let us try to assist you because your problem doesn't need to stay weighing heavy.

Beautify the gown, delegate the chores, and exude kindness as your strength. There is safety in these family circles here. There is no need to bottle up an emotion of sadness and feel neglected or shut away your dream. No competition or courtship from a princely visitor will alter how we respect and see you.

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