Sunday 27 June 2021

'165 Candles' by JP Relph

12 candles

Ruffled like cupcake frosting. Coltish legs, battered satin slippers.

Strawberry pony flying. Grimy, grinning face, too-big hat rocking.

Racing frothing wavelets. Dimpled knees pumping, ladybug swimsuit.

14 candles

Bed blanketed in books and intention. Slim hand composes, cat-eye glasses.

16 candles

Marigold-bright taffeta glides a beige carpet. Anxious eyes, mascara-heavy.

18 candles

A hundred berets flying. Flushed, joyful face, olive-drab fulfilment.

21 candles

Crackling connection to a cruel desert. Bluffing smile in windburned face, torn flak jacket.

22 candles

Repatriated on a gorged C-17. Heavy on six pressed shoulders. Marigolds on the red, white and blue.