

Collect 2024 Write-In Badges

Just to make things a little more fun, we have a set of virtual badges that you can download if you finish each prompt, and a few more that you can find when you explore other National Flash Fiction Day activities.

If you complete one of the prompts, you are welcome to download and display your badge, whether or not you submit and/or publish your response with us.  You can also collect badges for sets.  This year, we have five prompts each of FIRE, EARTH, AIR, WATER and (all) ELEMENTS, labelled A through E.  There are completion badges for all A prompts, all B prompts, etc., as well as all FIRE prompts, all EARTH prompts, and so forth.  Can you bag a collection?

These are all honour-system badges; they'll become available to download as the prompts go live (possibly with a little lag).  

To claim your badges for finishing the prompts, go to the badgifier on the NFFD website.  Enter your story into the form to earn your badge.

The story is 100% private; it is not submitted or saved when you use the badgifier.  No one will be able to read it.  However, if you are concerned, you're welcome to fill the form with an equivalent number of words.  If you would like to submit your flash, you will need to email to us it according to the guidelines on our submit page.

Although you only have until 23:59 BST on Sunday 16 June 2024 to submit work to this year's Write-In for publication with us, you have ALL YEAR to collect all the badges.  The links will disappear in June 2025 when we rejig the badgifier for the 2025 writing prompts.


Here's what you'll be able to collect....

Badges for finishing prompts (claim via the badgifier):

  • Prompt 0
  • Prompt 1
  • Prompt 2
  • Prompt 3
  • Prompt 4
  • Prompt 5
  • Prompt 6
  • Prompt 7
  • Prompt 8
  • Prompt 9
  • Prompt 10
  • Prompt 11
  • Prompt 12
  • Prompt 13
  • Prompt 14
  • Prompt 15
  • Prompt 16
  • Prompt 17
  • Prompt 18
  • Prompt 19
  • Prompt 20
  • Prompt 21
  • Prompt 22
  • Prompt 23
  • Prompt 24
These badges will be downloadable here once the prompts go live:

Badges for other activities:

  • Submit 2024
    If you submit at least one piece to The Write-In, you'll get a link to this badge in your email response.  Everyone who submits can claim this badge, whether or not your piece is chosen for publication. 
  • Read 2024
    Read at least one Write-In flash this year written by someone else.  (The link for this badge appears somewhere on The Write-In website....)
  • FlashFlood 2024
    Find the badge link on the FlashFlood page -- and enjoy some of the flash there as well!
  • NFFD 2024
    Find the badge link on the National Flash Fiction Day website.
  • Social 2024
    Find the link to this badge on our Twitter or Facebook feed.
  • Complete Set 2024
    Award yourself this badge (available at midnight on NFFD) if you earned or found ALL the badges above.... (No cheating!)




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