The Editors

Flash Warriors

Huge thanks to our dedicated volunteer team of cracking editors who battle through a two-day flood of submission, read every story, notify every author, and schedule the selected stories.

Amy Barnes has words at a variety of sites including The New Southern Fugitives, FlashBack Fiction, Popshot Quarterly, Flash Fiction Magazine, X-Ray Lit, Anti-Heroin Chic, Museum of Americana, Gnashing Teeth, Penny Fiction, Elephants Never, Re-side, Lucent Dreaming, Lunate Fiction, Cabinet of Heed, Spartan Lit, Penny Fiction, National Flash Fiction Day and others. Her work has been long-listed at Reflex Press, Bath Flash Fiction, Retreat West and TSS Publishing. She’s a reader for Fractured Lit, CRAFT, Narratively and Taco Bell Quarterly. You can find her at @amygcb

Anita Goveas is British-Asian, London-based, and fueled by strong coffee and paneer jalfrezi. She was first published in the 2016 London Short Story Prize anthology, most recently in Little Fiction and Gone Lawn. She’s on the editorial team at Flashback Fiction, an editor at Mythic Picnic’s Twitter zine, and tweets erratically @coffeeandpaneer. Her debut flash collection, ‘Families and other natural disasters’, is available from Reflex Press, and links to her stories are at

Sara Hills is a Pushcart-nominated writer from the Sonoran Desert. Her stories have been featured or are forthcoming at SmokeLong Quarterly, Cheap Pop, X-R-A-Y Literary, Reckon Review, Cease Cows, Fractured Lit, and others. She’s had work included in the BIFFY50, commended in the Bath Flash Fiction Award, and shortlisted for the Bridport Prize. Her debut flash collection, The Evolution of Birds, will be published in 2021 with Ad Hoc Fiction. Sara lives with her family and an enormous fluff dog in Warwickshire, England. She tweets from @sarahillswrites.

Ingrid Jendrzejewski started writing flash fiction in 2014 and has since found homes for around 100 of her pieces in places such as Passages North, The Los Angeles Review, Blue Five Notebook, The Conium Review, Jellyfish Review, and Best Small Fictions. She has won fifteen flash fiction competitions, including the Bath Flash Fiction Award and A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Orlando Prize for Flash Fiction. Her short collection, Things I Dream About When I'm Not Sleeping, was a runner-up for BFFA’s first Novella-in-Flash competition. She is currently a flash fiction editor at JMWW and editor-in-chief at FlashBack Fiction.  She is on Twitter @LunchOnTuesday & online at

Judi Walsh
writes poetry and flash fiction. Her work has been listed for several awards including the Salt Flash Fiction Prize, National Flash Fiction Day Micro Competition and the Bath Flash Fiction and Novella-In-Flash awards. She is an editor at FlashBack Fiction. She tweets @judi_walsh.

Editors 2012 - 2015


Jennifer Harvey’s writing has appeared in The Guardian, Carve Magazine, Litro Magazine and Visual Verse. Her radio dramas have won prizes and commendations from the BBC World Service. She is a contributing editor and judge for Mash Stories and reads for Carve literary magazine. Follow her at: or

Annmarie Miles is from Dublin in Ireland. She is married to a Welshman and they live in Co. Kildare in a house full of books, gadgets and musical instruments. After 6 years of non-fiction blogging on she turned her hand to writing fiction and started a second blog. 'Lizzy' a character who was the subject of the A to Z Blogging Challenge in 2013, is now a weekly feature in local newspaper in Dublin - proving very popular with school children (and adults). Many of the other stories on the fiction blog found their way into a collection. 'The Long & The Short of it' was published in November 2013; a self-publishing project using the services of Emu Ink. Annmarie is currently working on a second collection of short stories as well as a couple of novel ideas. In March 2014 was launched - where Annmarie still posts short stories, guest posts and her thoughts on the writing process. She tweets as @amowriting. 

Sonya Oldwin has a BA in creative writing. She used to write copy for a travel website but found that online travel writing sounds much more glamorous than it is. Her flash fiction has been published in 100 RPM – One Hundred Stories Inspired By Music, Scraps, Eating My Words, Landmarks and Schooldays, on FlashFlood and on ParagraphPlanet. She is slowly writing a novel, the beginning of which was published in the Mechanics’ Institute Review 11  year. She is @_supersonya on Twitter and writes 100-word stories on her blog.

Once upon a time, long, long ago, Susan Philip hailed from Canada. She settled in London where she works and plays and writes and edits. Currently, she is juggling her own novel and short story writing, a day job, and the founding and running of a small indie press (Chuffed Buff Books). Susan has a BA in History from Birkbeck, University of London. She loves to read, travel and take photos. Sometimes, when it strikes her fancy, she writes under a pseudonym, sometimes not. Sometimes she gets published, sometimes not. She is tickled to be taking part in National Flash Fiction Day and is looking forward to reading the flood of flash submissions. You can find Susan calling out for anthology subs and pushing her literary wares at Alternatively, for general nattering follow and tweet her @yamnasus.