
Submissions are now CLOSED
The next Write-In will take place on National Flash Fiction Day Weekend 2025

Note: Our editors are still reading submission from the 2024 Write-In.  We will respond to each and every submission, likely by Monday, 17 June 2024.  Our responses occasionally go to spam so do check there if you don't hear from us within a day or two. If you have not received a response from us by Wednesday, 19 June 2024, do follow up by email.


Welcome to The Write-In! This is the blog for the National Flash-Fiction Day's mass-writing event taking place on 15 June 2024.

Here's the deal...

Throughout National Flash Fiction Day, we'll post one prompt per hour here at The Write-In.  We start at 0:00 and end at 24:00 for a total of 25 prompts.

If any of these inspire you to write new work, you have until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 16 June 2024 to submit your work.  We'll publish responses to the prompts starting on Sunday, 16 June and end when we've worked our way through all the responses (usually by Wednesday at the latest).

Here's how to submit...

Unless otherwise stated, the word limit is 300 words and all stories must relate to one of the prompts, but those are the only rules.  We welcome stories that are much shorter, as well as pieces that explore different formats or delve into prose poetry territory.  (This is a flash fiction project, though, so please no free verse or formal poetry.)

Submissions close at the 23.59, Sunday 16 June 2024 (BST), so don't delay!

To participate, please send your flash to and make sure to give your piece a title and note which prompt you have written it for.

The word count is 300 words maximum (title not included), unless the prompt calls for a shorter word count.  

We are happy for you to send in responses to as many of the 25 prompts as you like, but please only submit one piece per prompt.  Please send each response in a separate e-mail.

Whether or not we accept your piece for publication, you can award yourself a virtual badge for your's on the honour system.  You can read more details here.  Feel free to display these or share these on social media, etc.

We can't wait to read your work!

More submission details...

  • Please send your work to as an attachment in any standard document format (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf). 
  • The word count is 300 words, excluding the title, except where otherwise indicated by the prompt.  Much shorter submissions are very welcome!
  • You may respond to as many of the 25 prompts as you like, provided that the pieces were written in response to one of our prompts, within 24 hours of that prompt going live.  Please only send us one piece per prompt per year.
  • Give your piece a title!
  • International writers are very welcome; it doesn't matter where you are in the world or who you are, we invite you to take part.
  • If you have altered a previously-published piece in response to a prompt, you're welcome to send it in as long as you retain copyright and any period of exclusivity with the original publisher has lapsed.  (Please ensure that this is the case before submitting.)  Please include full details of the original publisher so that we can properly credit them if we accept your piece.
  • If you're also publishing your work on your own blog, send along the link and we'll include it alongside your work if your flash is selected for publication.  
  • We reserve the right to correct very obvious typos (misspelled words, obvious typos, etc.). We will not make any changes that would affect content, meaning or interpretation.
  • The editors are unable to provide feedback on stories or give reasons for rejections, but each piece will be read with respect and care. There are many reasons why we may pass on a piece besides than the quality of a story, so please don't be disheartened if your piece doesn't make it this time around.
  • Also note: this is a fast and furious project; we may turn around with a response -- positive or negative -- in a very short time.  Please be aware of this if you decide to submit, and don't take a quick rejection personally or as a sign that we haven't read your piece.  We read each story completely and value each submission, whether or not we are able to publish it.
  • We will not publish work that we deem offensive, abusive or discriminatory.  As a guide, we aim to keep this site inclusive and appropriate for writers aged 16 and over who wish to participate.  Please do not send us work that glorifies suicide, stigmatises mental illness, or contains extreme violence, explicit highly-not-safe-for-work sexual situations, or extensive strong language.  (The odd swear word is okay, if justified by the story.) 
  • We only read work by human authors.  Whilst we appreciate that computers can now write interesting work, our editors are human beings who are generously volunteering their time and we want to keep this project manageable for them. 

The Small Print...
  • Copyright remains with you, the author, at all times, as does responsibility for your story’s contents.   If accepted, you are free to republish any story anywhere else in any form at any time. (It would be kind of you to credit The Write-In as the first publisher if your work subsequently finds a home elsewhere, but it's up to you.) 
  • All stories will be published shortly after National Flash Fiction Day (UK), but The Write-In will remain live thereafter.  Should you wish us to remove your story, or wish anything to be changed after the day of publication, please email with your request and we will be happy to comply.
  • We nominate stories for awards such as Best Small Fictions, Best of the Net, Best Microfictions and the Pushcart Prizes.  In some cases, to do this, we need to share your contact details with the award bodies.  If you do not wish us to do this, please note this when you piece is accepted for publication so we can take your piece out of consideration.  
  • We are unable to pay for stories. This is a purely volunteer-run celebration of flash fiction, and we make no money from this journal.  We hope you will consider celebrating with us, but if you require payment, we completely understand and wish you the very best in placing your work with a paying market instead.
  • The personal information we collect (name, email address, and publication details of previously-published work) will only be used for the purpose of contacting authors about the status of their publications, publishing the stories selected for The Write-In, and making award nominations.

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