Sunday 27 June 2021

'Insight' by Stella Turner


I’d walked this route for years, never noticing the plaque on the bench.


In loving memory of my dear wife Kate Collins died 26th June 2021. Peace at last for her and insight for those who rest here.  


I read it three times. It must be a co-incidence, my name and today’s date. I felt queasy. Not wanting to sit down on the bench I leant against the nearest tree.


Letting myself into the tiny flat I could hear him snoring. I made us both a strong cup of tea. Putting the mug down beside him I nudged him awake. He seemed surprised to hear me. 


“Hello love, had a good day” 


I didn’t tell him about the bench. It sounded so irrational. The other Kate Collins must have died months ago and the bench dedicated today. I told him about the walk along the canal, how bright the sunshine was and the funny things the girls had said at work. He smiled; he never let his blindness get him down.


Sitting on the bench he felt the sun on his face. The colour of the grass was amazing. He hadn’t seen it for twelve years. Accelerating, to avoid the child running into the road, his wife had managed not to hurt either the girl or herself but inflicted life changing injuries on him. He held no bitterness or malice. 


It had been so easy; his brother was ruthless in his enthusiasm. Each day he changed the plaque for today’s date.


Pledging his soul to the Devil and the life insurance money for his brother’s silence he had made a pact. Kate for his sight! Kate, for her part just fell into the canal and drowned on his birthday. Job done! 


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