Monday 17 June 2024


1. Don’t fight with your children even if old battles arise.
2. Offer advice like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs, hoping the path is clear before the crumbs are consumed.
3. Buy all your own supplies: diapers, formula (unless breastfed), bottles, wipes, binkies, bibs, and onesies.
4. When the reusable items in #3 don’t come back, write a funny letter from the baby.
5. Don’t fight with your children.
6. Let all the old songs and poems and nursery rhymes come back and perform them with gusto.
7. Create new songs and stories from your grandchild’s current life. “A big tummy is happiness. A big tummy is happiness. A big tummy is happiness. A little tummy is a big tragedy.”
8. Dance for the baby. Make up new steps. Apply Qigong slapping techniques on yourself.
9. Hold the baby until the arthritis in your arms spreads.
10. Don’t fight with your children about putting her in confinement devices.
11. Notice what nobody else sees and find solutions to teething, eczema, flat head syndrome.
12. Love your children. They used to be babies like your grandchild. 

1 comment:

  1. Luanne, you are going to make the most wonderful grandmother because you have already discovered an important secret: your children are not interested in your advice. Your grandson will adore you so you have to stay on their good side!!! Before you know it, he will a year old - and from then on, you'll be in big trouble because he will learn to walk and talk!!
    Onward. I'm proud of you.
