Sunday 16 June 2024

'The Further Adventures of the Three Little Pigs' by Jane Jackson

Several years of cohabitation, the Three
Little Pigs' arguments increased. The
brick-house had been built for one. None
of them were inclined to extend. First-
Little-Pig was too lazy to start bricklaying
and Second-Little-Pig had abandoned
his apprenticeship with his brother,
himself too busy constructing brick-
houses around the neighbourhood for a
healthy profit. He also didn't think he
should build an extension for his brothers
when he'd been comfortable before
they'd invaded.

First-Little-Pig's best friend, French-Hen,
who he'd helped with her straw-nests,
listened to him complaining yet again
about his brothers' snoring. She was
preoccupied with her latest clutch of
chicks, surveying in case they wandered
off and crossed paths with the Big-Bad-
Wolf. She chattered incessantly about
her ancestors' idyllic lives in the French
countryside. First-Little-Pig resolved to
leave and take a ferry to France, where
he could build another straw-house and
live peacefully.

When a travelling circus came to town,
Second-Little-Pig was fascinated by the
Indian elephants, with their tales of
temples and exotic spices. It sounded so
zen that he longed to travel to India and
build a new stick-house.

Third-Little-Pig was so relieved to see his
brothers moving out, he waved them off
without warning them of possible

First-Little-Pig barely finished weaving a
straw-door for his straw-house than the
Wolf of Gevaudin called on him. With
lungs twice the size of the Big-Bad-
Wolf's, he blew the straw-house down in
one single puff and feasted on First-
Little-Pig, trotters and all. 

Second-Little-Pig suffered a similar fate
when a tiger surprised him collecting
sticks in the Indian forest. There was no
escaping those sharp claws.

Third-Little-Pig sometimes wondered
why he'd never received so much as a
postcard from his brothers and forever
imagined them living happily in their 
chosen countries.