Monday 17 June 2024

The Scent of Rain by Cath Barton

‘You know what that smell in the air is, don’t you?’ I said, feeling sure he would lecture me

about it in his usual way, but making the effort to smile at him as the water from the sudden

downpour swirled and gurgled in the gutter, but he shook his head.

‘It’s Petrichor,’ I said, ‘which is a word for the dry earth releasing chemicals after rain.’ I

was fired up by the discovery that for once I knew a fancy word he didn’t, and I gabbled on

about it all the way up the long road home. Having the upper hand in conversation for once

was a thrilling distraction from all our woes, but of course it didn’t last, any more than that

evanescent scent of rain did.

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