Sunday 16 June 2024

'We Are All Elements Here' by Laura Cooney

Earth is a labourer named Dave, he spends a lot of time digging and dealing with shit and grime in sewage pipes, he does not have clean hands and knows people don't want to sit beside him on the bus, but he'll talk to anyone and is kind at heart, though quiet. 

Fire is a woman called Lesley, she's had a tough life, is quick tempered and she'll tell you what she thinks without a moment's hesitation; she blames her father for walking out on her when she was three, but really, she could choose to be better, if she wanted to. 

Water is a librarian named Steve, he flows in and out of the lives of the people he works with and the groups he hosts in the library, he waters earth with kindness and quenches fire by being there. 

Air is what we breathe when someone listens.