Monday 17 June 2024

'Artificial Competence' by JP Richards

 My lecture hall disgorged philosophy students. They were fleeing for the familiar comforts of beer and weed. It was Friday syndrome, after my brilliant discourse on Artificial Intelligence. I had been my usual erudite self, showcasing my advanced understanding with sparkling prose. My students adored me. 

Clearly a timewaster, one unshaven student lingered, slumping indolently against the lectern. His bearded physog resembled hairy roadkill, framed by an encrusted hoody. He smelled like fried bread and looked clueless. I recoiled from his obvious ignorance.

“Yes?” I asked imperiously, not expecting a coherent response. 

He peered through his hair. “Professor, your search for meaning in an increasingly complex field is fraught with a tendency to idolize technology as your ultimate saviour, or apocalyptic Satan,” he said quietly. “Please choose.”

I had no coherent response. 

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