Sunday 16 June 2024

Flights of Fancy by Jane Jackson

 The fairground bustled with men in suits and women in their finest petticoats. Lacy parasols protected the delicate.

Canine pets ran amok amidst the brightly coloured stalls and rides. A musical carousel twirled children, bouncing

them up and down as they tried to wave to their nannies, holding the reins tightly with one hand. Swings rocked

higher and higher. Ponies pulled carts full of paying passengers. Balls were tossed hard towards tantalising coconuts.

Fresh cakes, fruit, vegetables, chutneys and jams displayed for sale, home-made or home-grown.

The wind grew steadily stronger as the morning progressed. What began as a gentle caressing breeze gradually

turned into tugging gusts. Clouds, which had lingered watching the entertainment, now passed swiftly overhead

without a glance. skirts shook, hair was ruffled, top hats were unseated to roll and bowl away through the crowds.

Ropes strained against tent poles, canvases lifted, balloons broke free to drift in the air.

As the wind became gale force, billowing tents finally pinged loose, flapping against currents carrying them high

above the field. Fully inflated petticoats lifted startled ladies from the ground, men clutching at ankles as if flying

kites, but in vain. As the distressed damsels floated upwards, their screams and tears were frightful to hear.

What a sight to behold! The wind continued unabated but some of the ferocity now died down. The floating ladies

calmed to the sight of blue and white all around, impossible to look down, nothing but patterned skirt material in

view. Laughing and giggling tinkled down to the astonished men on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Wow where did that come from, such a visual picture. Brilliant.
