Monday 17 June 2024

'My Elemental Odyssey' by Sarah Oakes

In October, I was a raging torrent of fire and flame, because the celestial cryptid of my sight was not seen or heard or understood, and it wasn’t fucking good enough to be told I was inconclusive, and it wasn’t fucking good enough that they lost results, and it wasn’t fucking good enough that they didn’t care, and it wasn’t fucking good enough that they wasted my time.

In January, after years of searching, they finally found my roots. Like Yggdrasil, they reached deep into the earth, into realms of certainty where answers flourished and diagnoses blossomed. From those roots, I began to grow, until my branches kissed the clouds.

In April I became a well of knowledge, as I learnt more about myself and the celestial cryptid that calls my sight home, of her wondrous ways and mysterious magic, and how to navigate the churning sea of my sight with long cane oars, until I started sailing into every horizon.

In June I am a summer breeze, finally feeling like myself, finally accepting the celestial cryptid of my sight as part of my life, finally embracing everything. And now, I skip and dance on every gust of air, living life and loving it. For my elemental odyssey was one adventure, but now I set sail on another, and know I shall soar.

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