Sunday 16 June 2024

'Nanna’s Perfect Parkin' by Donna M Day

Note: All other parkin recipes are wrong inferior
- Five generations of coal miners, preferably embittered from battling Thatcherites
- Oats
- A dairy maid from way back with strong hands and crooked thumbs
- Treacle
- Two generations of clothes makers, combining tailors and seamstresses
- Butter
- The heather-scented air of the Moors
- An egg
- The smoke from factories caught in the ginnels between back-to-back houses
- Milk
- The secret of Yorkshire pudding batter whispered over hot fat
- Brown sugar
- Hills. So, so many hills
- Flour
- Cricket on a Saturday afternoon, preferably rained off
- Golden syrup
- A novel written by each of the Brontës including at least one beat-up paperback with notes in the margin, in pencil
- Plenty of fresh ginger, grated

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