Sunday 16 June 2024

'Take a Bite' by Melissa Flores Anderson

Charles climbed into the passenger seat of Lilly’s SUV and she apologized for the stain on the front seat, assuring him that it was just a spilled water bottle from ages ago, and she fiddled with the air conditioner while she breathed in his scent of sunscreen and cedar shampoo that smelled like wildfires. At the fundraiser, Charles circled the crowd talking to donors while she stood quietly at a cocktail table, heels sinking into the soft earth. She wanted this turn as designated driver to be like a date, but it wasn’t. Until the end of the night when Charles sat next to her and she snapped a selfie of them, his cheeks red from wine and hers flushed from his nearness, and he offered her a bite of his salted caramel cupcake and she thought his willingness to double dip his fork into the same dessert as her might mean something.

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