Monday 17 June 2024

'The Prize' by Liz Gwinnell

Should he? Should he risk everything? So far he’d won a food mixer, a week in Malibu, a thousand dollars, matching his and her silk dressing gowns........

“So,” the gameshow host pressed him. “What will it be Anderson? Are you going for the top prize?  We don’t know what it is but we guarantee it’s gonna change your life. And if you don’t land on that magic blue square, you lose everything you’ve won so far.”

The audience called out.
“Go on Anderson! Go on my son!”

Anderson swallowed.

“Ok,” he said. “Let’s do it.”

The host slapped him hard on the back.

“Way to go! Way to go! Let’s spin that wheel!”

The lights dimmed. Dramatic music filled the auditorium. Anderson closed his eyes.

“So,” the host said. “Will our brave contestant win the mystery prize? No one, ladies and gentlemen, no one, has ever won the top prize before. If the blue square lights up, it's his. If it doesn’t, he loses everything he’s won so far, the weekend in Malibu...the his and her dressing gowns...the SUV.....”

Anderson knew he’d won when the audience erupted into wild frenzy and the host slapped him so hard on the back he nearly fell over. 

“Oh boy!” he kept saying. “Oh my! Oh boy!”

The screen flashed for three seconds and then revealed the prize.  
HURRICANE flashed up in big red letters. 

“Wait a minute,” the host said, looking up at the word as thunder started to rumble in the distance. “Wait a minute. A hurricane? You’ve won a hurricane?”

A bolt of lightning lit up the auditorium and heavy rain started to fall. A wild wind ripped across the stage, knocking over the host.

At first, the audience laughed, thinking it was a joke. And then they started to run.

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