Monday 26 June 2023

'The Nick of Time' by Suzanna Lundale

“Hi, are you a friend of Annika’s? I’m her brother, Nick.”

“Oh, I– Yes, she’s a colleague, but I only just arrived this term. Pleasure to meet you. Are you also in Time Studies?”

“I am, but more on the experiential end.” Nick gave a winning smile, and Annika knew with conviction that he imagined a little starburst over one tooth and a little ‘ting!’ like in the cartoons.

“Oh, you mean you actually time travel?!”

“Yes, I do,” he practically purred, popping open the business card case he always kept close to hand. “I’m something of a private detective…through time.” He fixed his gaze on the punch bowl by Dr. Erickson, staring into what he no doubt imagined was the middle distance.

“Nick of Time Investigations,” read the woman from the card. Annika wondered how she managed it without laughing, but some people seemed to find her brother charming.

Nick tried to suppress his crow of delight at hearing the name out loud, so it came out as a snort. “That’s my little witticism. Nick of Time, get it? Because I’m Nick!” Again the grin with the glinting tooth.

This proved a bridge too far for the woman. She muttered some excuse and walked hurriedly away. Annika would have to find out who she was and apologize, so she didn’t think the whole family is mad. Nick was still gazing after her when Annika sidled up to him. “Strike out?”

Nick started and looked down at his sister. “Nah. She’ll be back. Just in the Nick–” Annika groaned, which made him grin all the harder as he finished, “of Time!”   

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