Sunday 25 June 2023

'Always Read the Small Print' by Hilary Ayshford

“Your offer sounds interesting, but could we just run through the details again?

“As I understand it, I let you cut out my tongue with a pair of scissors in return for a bottle of poison. If I drink it my tail will divide into a pair of legs and feet.

“Will it hurt? I have a very low pain threshold.

“What? Every step I take after that will be excruciating too? You didn't mention agony the first time round. On the other hand, I'll be able to dance with him. And I guess it is a small price to pay to get a soul and go to heaven.

“Just a couple more questions. If I can't speak, how can I tell him I love him? And how am I supposed to take my wedding vows if I can't say 'I do'?

“Yes, I suppose I could write them down and sign them. Except I can't read or write; there's not much call for it at fifty fathoms.

“And what if it all goes wrong? What if he's commitment phobic? What if I find someone I like better? I presume there's a get-out clause.

“What would I have to do to become a mermaid again?

“Seriously? I'd have to murder him and paddle in his blood? And would I get my tongue back? Oh. The tongue is non-refundable.

“Thanks, but I'm going to pass. It sounds like too much of a gamble, especially when you can't guarantee that humans have souls or that heaven exists.

“No, I don't want time to think it over. Please delete me from your list and don't call again. I'm going to block your number now. Enjoy the rest of your day.”


  1. Now that's a mermaid I could get behind! Nice one, Hilary.

  2. Love this one. Amazing.

  3. Fabulous. Love a twist on an original. 🧜‍♀️
