Sunday 25 June 2023

'Catastrophe At The Crack Of Dawn' by Jaime Bree

'Pressing self-destruct would be the humane thing to do', he shouted over the siren counting down.

'You're gonna deprive people of these final minutes of their lives you arsehole?' I tried to out-shout the ever growing noise now accompanied with screams whilst watching him grin like a Cheshire Cat. He was playing God. 

'We're living on borrowed time. That crack ain't getting any smaller and the moment the sun rises it's curtains for everyone on this planet and not in a good way. Actions speak louder than words and drown out these goddamn screams, so it feels like a good time to call it a day, don't ya think? You've got your head in the clouds if you think anyone's coming to help us.'

I couldn't believe his audacity and how much he talked. Nineteen to the dozen. A total windbag and definitely a few slices short of a loaf.

'Cat got your tongue?' he said sarcastically.

I would have thrown a punch but there wasn't room to swing a cat. 'Only time will tell if help is coming', I thought. We still had fifty minutes. And then it dawned on me. I needed to get him to pipe down. I mean I needed to bring that pipe down onto his head, then he'd shut the hell up. Swinging a cat maybe not, ninja leg kick? Possibly. I kicked out towards the pipe. It loosened and fell just as predicted. He swayed uneasily on his feet, holding his head.

A message from Earth transmitted onto the screen. Help arriving. ETA fifteen minutes.

'Yes!' I smiled like a cat that got the cream, turned to him as proud as a peacock and watched his swaying become falling as he dropped to his knees, his head hitting...

The self-destruct button.

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