Sunday 25 June 2023

'Vampirism in One Week - the Plan' by Heather Haigh

Sunday - Locate the carotid artery, the sweet tap root that will supply life and strength. You'll know it's rich coppery scent. Nothing like the smell of rubber, silicon and antiseptic. Choose exactly where your teeth will pierce the flesh, and don't be tempted to mumble, 'just a scratch, Dear.' Only Eddie in bed seven believes that one. He can't remember yesterday. Savour the taste, nothing like watery soup.

Saturday - Isolate whose footsteps are approaching your room. The crisp tap of your consultant's brogues, the leathery creak of the house doctor, the muffled tap tap of Nurse Peterson's hush puppies, the barely audible shuffle of Jayne's trainers. Jayne who feeds you and wipes your chin. Forget the beeping of machines, the rattle of obs trolleys and drug carts, the hissing of the oxygen tank. 

Friday - Don't listen to the stranger that calls in the night with his weird offer, impossible promises, sharp teeth, his dead eyes. Then do.

Thursday - Stare at the book on the bedside cabinet: Embracing Change by Doctor H Barry.

Wednesday - Cry. Silently.

Tuesday - Don't open your eyes when you hear Sister say, 'he'll need a comprehensive care package. Won't manage much himself.' Don't make a sound. Keep breathing.

Monday- Resist that button: more pain, less sleep, more life, more everything.


Tomorrow begins a new week. You're ready now.

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