Sunday 7 June 2020

'Consequences' by Sue Morón

Freddie wondered how this would be resolved; what would become of him?

Lying prone in the hospital bed he mentally surveyed his body; could have been worse he supposed.

Arms bandaged with gauze, one leg in plaster and raised, muscles sore and aching, head throbbing.
Someone was coming towards him, a navy clad nurse, backlit by the lights from the corridor outside the ward.

Hello, I’m glad to see you’re awake, you’ve been asleep for a while, how are you feeling, do you want a drink, any painkillers?

Feeling groggy and I ache, yes I’m thirsty, maybe ….

I think you should have something, for the pain, it’ll help with the healing; the police are waiting to question you if you’re up to it, apparently you’re in a bit of trouble.

Cycling away for the last time, the incriminating documents safely despatched, he’d been feeling relieved.

The car had clipped him, hoping to tip him into the path of the lorry, but he’d managed to push himself in the opposite direction, unfortunately that had meant a tumble down the embankment and knocking himself out.

Inez watched as the expressions of fear, doubt and worry moved across the face of the vulnerable looking young man in the bed before her, holding his wrist she could feel his pulse speeding away and hear his breath becoming rapid.

Ok, you need to calm down, I can’t stop them talking to you, but you won’t be taken anywhere, not while you’re in this state.

No, it’s fine, I knew the risks …

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