Monday 8 June 2020

'Escape Room: Fairytale' by Meagan Johanson

10. Wear the green dress he likes that covers you, long and tight like a fin. Line your eyes black so you cry in ash later. Because he likes that too.

9. Check-in at the counter. A familiar face: David. You went to school together, remember? You don’t, but smile back. Not too much.

8. Take complimentary pen to bathroom, “Escape Oldholme” down its side. Dig out receipt. Stand up straight in the hall, as he spits pet names into your ear like broken glass.

7. Close the door to a room painted castle—outlined bricks, windows to black Neverland. In a small room attached, see a mannequin under glass, sleeping and porcelain.

     a. You must wake her to win. She has hair like yours.

6. Decode the seven rings. Not real gold, of course, but plastic and as light as straw. Inside them, all the right words. He is good with these, but slow. One down, and his teeth still grin handsome and wide. The lights dim; this time you are sure.

5. Help him solve, but not too much. Let him find the apple—although you saw it first—red shellac flaking away as he twists it open, the next clue in its core.

4. Watch the camera, the clock, as time siphons away—faster than he’d like, while you will its haste. Scream in blinks to the lens. David seems nice.

3. Try to breathe through tightened ribs when: He can’t find the right key. When the countdown chimes. When he grabs your arm, plum-tender still. Don’t cry. Not yet.

2. Leave receipt on the counter, while his back is turned. Say please with your eyes, thank you with your mouth.

1. At home, take off the tail, both slippers. Stay awake. Just in case.

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