Sunday 27 June 2021

'A Penny for your Thoughts' by Lynda McMahon


Eey up! Somebody’s coming. I do hope they’re clean. I do so hate it when they miss the toilet bowl and splash on the floor. Not often in the Ladies unless they’ve had a few and then anything might happen. I’ve seen it all. Well, at my age, I’m likely to have aren’t I? But Mavis - Mrs Whithead - always gives me a good scrub after.

Actually, I haven’t had a good clean for a while. Mavis fell in here a while back. Not sure how long ago. I’m getting a bit forgetful in my old age. Anyway, she didn’t look too good when they took her away. Come to think of it, I haven’t had a drop of bleach since.

I don’t get many visitors these days. Once, I used to be full of day trippers come for the sea and ‘Kiss me Quick’ hats. Spending a penny they used to call it. They’d hold the door open for each other and all go for 1d. One old penny. Not the new stuff. Oh! The things I’ve heard...I miss the stories. The bad husbands, the romantic boyfriends, the tears, the hope.

It’s too quiet these days. Nobody now for weeks. Maybe even months. I can hear somebody on the stairs. Things are looking up!

Hey! Wait! It’s a man. No men allowed! Doesn’t he know? Hang on ...what’s he doing with that sledgehammer? What...

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