Saturday 26 June 2021

NFFD 2021: Prompt #22


For our tenth anniversary celebrations, we've been searching back through the NFFD archives that have accumulated over the years, but we have some gaps, particularly with The Write-In where new prompts used to overwrite old prompts.  We've found all of them except for 2014, although we have recreated what we think the prompts were from the evidence left behind....

We think there were at least three 'word' prompts:

  • Orchard 
  • Cheapskate
  • Row

 We think there were several image prompts including:

  • A beach scene
  • Butterflies
  • A train carriage
  • Explorers on a mountain range
Also, several stories started with the sentence, 'Amelia still isn't sure what it was she saw that day exactly' (which seems to have been carried over to 2015). 

For 2021, your challenge is this: choose one or more of the prompts above, and use it/them to write a flash about something lost.


If you’re submitting this to us, make sure to note that this is a response to Prompt 22: Archeology.

You can submit responses until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 27 June 2021 for a chance to be published here at The Write-In.


If you have any records or memories of the prompts for 2014, we'd love it if you could share them!  You can email us at with any archives you might have regarding the 2014 Write-In, or any other NFFD events from years gone by....

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