Saturday 26 June 2021

NFFD 2021: Prompt #5



What's better than one writing prompt?  That's right, three writing prompts!  These prompts were sent to us in response to Prompt #24 of the NFFD 2020 Write-In, which challenged writers to come up with their own writing prompt. 


#1 Life Sentence (by J F King)

Your lead character consults a coach who speaks only in aphorisms (or are they clichés?), e.g., ‘You only come this way once, go for it, pulling punches…’

Is this irritating or helpful in addressing the situation presented?


#2 Litotes (by J F King) 
Create a day in conversation from a character who (over) uses litotes in their speech pattern, e.g., ‘I shan’t be sorry', 'it is not without merit', 'the day was not unenjoyable...’
Does the day change? Does the speech pattern change?


#3 Animal Dreams (by Cath Barton) 

When your cat or dog is sleeping, you see them twitching, having a dream. Write their dream.

Feely Sleeping by Cath Barton


If you’re submitting this to us, make sure to note that this is a response to Prompt 5: Allsorts. (Let us know which of the three you choose as well!)

You can submit responses until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 27 June 2021 for a chance to be published here at The Write-In.  (And yes, there will be opportunities to submit your own prompts this year as well.  Check back around midnight on Saturday, 26 June for details!)


Photo of Allsorts by David Edgar via Wikimedia Commons

Photo of Feely Sleeping by Cath Barton.

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