Saturday 26 June 2021

NFFD 2021: Prompt #15


From the Archives

For the next prompt of our Tenth Anniversary NFFD Write-In, we bring you the set of prompts that were set for the 2014 Write-In, run by NFFD Founder Calum Kerr and team. In those days, instead of posting a prompt an hour, all prompts were posted at once, and writers had only hours to craft and submit a response.  This year, you have over 24!  Enjoy a blast from the past and have a go at one of the prompts below.... 


If you’re submitting this to us, make sure to note that this is a response to Prompt 15: From the Archives.  (If it's not obvious, let us know in your email which image, theme or picture sparked your story!)

You can submit responses until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 27 June 2021 for a chance to be published here at The Write-In.


Archive of 2014 Write-In Prompts

Write a flash-fiction that begins with the sentence: "Amelia still isn't sure what it was she saw that day exactly, but ..."


Write a flash-fiction on the theme of one of the following:
  • back window
  • lost (and found?)
  • folded
  • TV highlights
  • torn curtain
  • nobody agrees

Write a story using one of the following photo prompts:

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