Saturday 26 June 2021

NFFD 2021: Prompt #19



The Big Picture

A picture may be worth 1000 words, but can you do one justice in 300 (or fewer)?

We would be remiss in celebrating our tenth anniversary if we didn't raise a glass to our National Flash Fiction Day Artist in Residence, Jeanette Sheppard, who joined us in 2019 and has provided us with beautiful logos, anthology covers, and writing prompt images ever since.  You can read our interview with Jeanette on the NFFD website.


At the bottom of this post are some of Jeanette's sketches and artwork that have been used as prompts in Write-Ins past.  Choose one and write a flash in response.

If you'd like an extra challenge, incorporate a 'big picture' in your flash, in some sense.  Maybe your story is about a large group of people rather than a single character.  Maybe you 'zoom out' at the end and cover a long period of time.  Maybe you have another way to interpret 'big picture' and relate it to one of the prompt images....


If you’re submitting this to us, make sure to note that this is a response to Prompt 19: The Big Picture.

You can submit responses until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 27 June 2021 for a chance to be published here at The Write-In.


Some Image Prompts from 2019 & 2020





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