Saturday 26 June 2021

NFFD 2021: Prompt #20



2021 marks National Flash Fiction Day's tenth anniversary and tenth anthology, Legerdemain.  

For this prompt, write a micro incorporating one or more non-English words.  These can be words from a different language, or words that you make up -- without providing a definition in the text of the story.  See if you can make the meaning or impact of the word clear enough to a reader who isn't familiar with it, without relying on obvious definitions.


If you’re submitting this to us, make sure to note that this is a response to Prompt 20: Legerdemain.

You can submit responses until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 27 June 2021 for a chance to be published here at The Write-In.


Past National Flash Fiction Day anthologies are available at the NFFD Bookshop.

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